






2014年, 萧政教授出席在厦门大学举行的“世界计量经济学会中国年会(CMES2014)”并作主题演讲












Call for Paper

2023 International Symposium on Advances in Panel Data and Time Series Econometrics in Honor of Professor Cheng Hsiao

It is our great pleasure to announce that Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics at Xiamen University, Center for Forecasting Science at Chinese Academy of Sciences and Basic Science Center for Econometric Modeling and Economic Policy Analysis at National Science Foundation of China will host "2023 International symposium on advance in panel data and time series econometrics" in honor of Professor Cheng Hsiao from July 8 to July 9, 2023, on the main campus (Xiamen Island) of Xiamen University. This symposium is sponsored by National Science Foundation of China.

The aim of this international symposium is to bring together econometricians or economists worldwide to Xiamen to create a great environment for discussions and exchanges in the modern econometrics research frontiers and also to celebrate Professor Hsiao on his 80th anniversary, and his contributions to econometric theory and various applications, in particular the econometric theory of panel data, time series and program evaluation.

Professor Hsiao has made tremendous contributions to many areas in econometrics, including influential work on panel data econometrics. He has also made great contributions to the econometrics and economics education in China, especially in Xiamen University. Back in 1980, he was among the first seven world-class econometricians who came to Beijing and delivered lectures at the famous "Summer Palace Workshop". Since 2005, he regularly visits Xiamen University to give courses and lectures, and makes continuous efforts to help students and young scholars. In 2008, he initiated a fellowship program "Tseng Hsiao Fellowship Foundation" at Xiamen University, which is named after his father, a renowned land economist. This fellowship program is intended to support full-time students who cannot afford their tuition fees and living expenditure.

Submissions & Registration:

The symposium consists of both Chinese and English paper sessionsYou are encouraged and very welcome to submit your high quality paper to this symposium. Paper submissions and registration take place through the symposium website https://chow.xmu.edu.cn/hsiaoconf/. Papers can be submitted electronically in PDF or WORD format. The deadline for paper submission is May 7, 2023. Acceptance decisions will be announced around May 14, 2023 and will be notified individually.

Registration would be open on May 15, 2023. The registration deadline is July 5, 2023. Please indicate whether you will attend the symposium on-site or online.

Program Committee:

Li Chen  Xiamen University

Xiaoyi Han Xiamen University

Shuo Jiang Xiamen University

Xuan Leng Xiamen University

Yan Shen Peking University

Zhonglei Wang Xiamen University

Yimeng Xie Xiamen University

Qiankun Zhou Louisiana State University

For more information, please visit https://chow.xmu.edu.cn/hsiaoconf/ about the latest program and logistics of the symposium; https://chow.xmu.edu.cn/ about Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics at Xiamen University; http://cefs.amss.cas.cn/ about Center for Forecasting Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and http://eqpe.xmu.edu.cn/ about Basic Science Center for Econometric Modeling and Economic Policy Analysis, National Science Foundation of China.