


IAAE 2024 Annual Conference

International Association for Applied Econometrics

Call for Papers

IAAE Xiamen, China

June 7 to 9, 2024

Deadline for submission: February 16th, 2024

The IAAE 2024 Annual Conference (Xiamen, China) will be held at Xiamen University, China from June 7 to 9, 2024. For further information and updates, please check the conference website at https://conf.xmu.edu.cn/iaae2024/.

The mission of the IAAE is to advance knowledge of econometrics, as well as its applications in economics. The annual conference brings together leading researchers in the field to discuss and debate all aspects of econometrics, covering both its theoretical development and applied uses.

Full Paper Submission Procedure: Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers in the suggested topics (submission of abstracts or synopses will not be accepted).  Papers will be evaluated and selected by the committee members in their specific area.

Papers should be submitted electronically (pdf only) no later than 11:59 pm ET, February 16, 2024 to:


Student Submission: Graduate students should indicate so when their paper is accepted for presentation at the IAAE Conference to participate in the Student Prize Contest.

Student’s Best Paper Award: The IAAE will award a $500 USD prize for the best paper presented by a graduate student in a regular or poster session. Papers co-authored with senior economists will not be considered. To be eligible, candidates whose paper is accepted for presentation should send a letter electronically to applied.econometrics.iaae@gmail.com from a professor certifying that the author is a graduate student in good standing. The subject line must be 2024 IAAE China Student Paper Award. The winner will be announced during the conference.

Financial Support: The Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics at Xiamen University is pleased to offer partial financial support to overseas participants who will present their papers at the IAAE 2024 Annual Conference in Xiamen, China. For presenters from institutions outside the Chinese mainland, a housing subsidy of up to 700 RMBor the actual price if lower than 700 RMB) per night per person is available for up to 4 nights at any of the designated conference hotels during June 6-9, 2024.

Logistics Support: During the conference period, the local organizers will provide complimentary meals, and free transportation services, including transfers from Xiamen International Gaoqi Airport to the conference hotels, as well as transfers between the conference hotels and the conference venue (Siming Campus, Xiamen University) to all participants. For more details, please visit https://conf.xmu.edu.cn/iaae2024/.


Heather Anderson, Monash University, Director of IAAE

Marcelle Chauvet, University of California Riverside, Director of IAAE

Silvia Gonçalves, McGill University, Director of IAAE

Bruce Hansen, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Director of IAAE

Thierry Magnac, Toulouse School of Economics, Director of IAAE

Barbara Rossi, ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona GSE, CREI, Director of IAAE

Jonathan Wright, Johns Hopkins University, Director of IAAE

Program Co-Chairs

Xu Cheng, University of Pennsylvania

Simon Lee, Columbia University

China Organizational Committee Co-Chairs

Yongmiao Hong, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Xiamen University

Shouyang Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yinggang Zhou, Xiamen University

Local Organizational Institutions

Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University

School of Economics, Xiamen University

Center for Forecasting Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) – Basic Science Center for Econometric Modeling and Economic Policy Studies


Academic inquiries: iaae2024academics@gmail.com

Logistic affairs: iaae2024logistics@gmail.com

For more information, please visit https://conf.xmu.edu.cn/iaae2024/ about the latest program and logistics of the conference; https://chow.xmu.edu.cn/en/ about Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University; https://se.xmu.edu.cn/english/ about School of Economics, Xiamen University; http://cefs.amss.cas.cn/ about Center for Forecasting Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and http://eqpe.xmu.edu.cn/ about NSFC Basic Science Center for Econometric Modeling and Economic Policy Studies.

We look forward to seeing you in Xiamen in June!

征文启事 | 国际应用计量经济学会2024年会




国际应用计量经济学会International Association for Applied Econometrics, IAAE2024年会(厦门)将于202467-9日在厦门大学举办

国际应用计量经济学会创立于英国剑桥大学,旨在通过推动计量经济学及其在经济学各个领域的应用,增强大众对这一经济学领域的认识,尤其是通过推动和支持计量经济学及其应用的前沿研究,让大众更多地了解这一领域的研究成果,以及这些成果对社会带来的积极影响。经济学国际知名期刊Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE)为该学会会刊。


投稿流程本次年会开放征文投稿,主题涵盖实证研究与理论研究。2024216日前论文PDF投递征文网站的相应主题板块IAAE 2024年会仅接受全文投稿,稿件格式仅PDF年会程序委员会将确定入选论文,并发出参会正式邀请和会议通知。


学生投稿研究生应在投稿注明学生身份IAAE 2024年会设有学生奖比赛,在会上宣读论文的研究生可参加该比赛

学生最佳论文奖:IAAE将从论文宣读海报展示环节评选出一项学生最佳论文奖,并奖励获奖者500美元。研究生与资深经济学的合作论文将不予考虑。对于参加奖项评选的论文入选学生,应请一位教授就其研究生身份与良好学业水平出具推荐信证明推荐信电子版发邮箱applied.econometrics.iaae@gmail.com邮件命名为“2024 IAAE Student Paper Award学生最佳论文奖获奖将在会上公布。

参会补贴厦门大学邹至庄经济研究院将为参加IAAE 2024年会(厦门)境外论文报告者提供部分资助202466-9来自境外高校或学术机构论文报告入住会议指定酒店,每人每晚最多申请700住宿补贴(补贴直接从房费中抵扣,如房费低于700元每晚,按照实际房费抵扣



Heather Anderson, Monash University

Marcelle Chauvet, University of California Riverside

Silvia Gonçalves, McGill University

Bruce Hansen, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Thierry Magnac, Toulouse School of Economics

Barbara Rossi, ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona GSE, CREI

Jonathan Wright, Johns Hopkins University


Xu Cheng, University of Pennsylvania

Simon Lee, Columbia University














IAAE 2024年会(厦门)会议网站:https://conf.xmu.edu.cn/iaae2024/



