

报告题目: A Structural Network Formation Model and Its Application in R&D Networks

主讲嘉宾: 刘晓冬,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校经济系教授,俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士,国际空间计量经济学协会会士。他目前的研究兴趣聚焦于空间或社交网络互动模型的估计方法,以及经济博弈模型的结构估计方法。刘教授的学术成果发表在众多顶级学术期刊,包括The Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization等。

报告摘要: We introduce a stochastic R&D network formation model where firms choose both R&D efforts and their collaboration partners. Neighbors in the network benefit from each other’s effort levels through local technology spillovers, and there exists a global competition effect reflecting a strategic substitutability in efforts. We provide a complete equilibrium characterization in the form of a Gibbs measure, and show that the model is consistent with empirically observed R&D networks. We then use our equilibrium characterization to show that the model can be conveniently estimated even for large networks. The policy relevance is demonstrated with the analysis of subsidies to R&D collaboration costs.

报告时间: 2022-09-27(周二),10:00-11:30

线下地点: 厦门大学经济楼N302

线上地点: ZOOM Webinar,ID:83 0222 4892;Passcode:695646