Overt and Secret Information Acquisition in Financial Markets
Liyan Yang(杨立岩) University of Toronto(多伦多大学)
杨立岩,多伦多大学罗特曼商学院金融学讲席教授,康奈尔大学经济学博士,主要研究领域为金融市场、资产定价和行为金融。杨教授是Fellow of the Accounting and Economics Society、Fellow of Cornell FinTech Initiative以及Fellow of Luohan Academy。其学术成果发表在众多顶级学术期刊,如Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies,《经济研究》等。杨立岩教授目前担任Journal of Financial Markets的联合主编(co-editor)。杨教授还担任Journal of Economic Theory, Management Science和Journal of Dynamic and Economic Control多本期刊的副主编(associate editor)。其学术研究获得众多科研奖项,如2016 JFQA William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research, the 2016 Bank of Canada’s Governor’s Award, 2015 Roger Martin Award for Excellence in Research等。
线上腾讯会议ID:337 514 023