

报告题目:Policy Choice in Time Series by Empirical Welfare Maximization

主讲嘉宾:Weining Wang(王玮宁),University of York (约克大学)

Dr. Weining Wang is a chair professor of financial econometrics in department economics and related studies at the University of York, UK. She received a Doctor Degree in Economics from Humboldt University in Berlin. Her research fields mainly include non-parametric and semi-parametric econometrics, high-dimensional econometrics, network models, time series. He published in several top journals in the areas, including Annals of Statistics、 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics、 Journal of Econometrics、Journal of the American Statistics Association、Econometric Theory and others. Her research mainly focuses on panel data, high-dimensional time series models, and other applied econometrics methods. The goal is to address specific economic and financial research questions, such as system risk model analysis, financial derivatives asset pricing, and social network analysis.


地 点:腾讯会议 ID:375 8612 5504