

报告题目:Bubble Mitigation Policies: Counterfactual and Inferences


Professor Shuping Shi is an econometrician with a theoretically grounded and policy-relevant research agenda in the field of Financial Econometrics and Applied Economics. She received the 2020 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council and was honored with the prestigious 2022 Young Economist Award by the Economic Society of Australia.

Her work has been published in leading academic journals, including Management Science, Journal of Econometrics, International Economic Review, Econometric Theory, Journal of Financial Econometrics, and Journal of Banking and Finance. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for Econometric Theory.

Professor Shi is one of the key developers of the PSY real-time bubble monitoring technique. a tool widely adopted by institutions and featured in several econometric textbooks and standard econometric software. She also co-developed the International Housing Observatory and Housing Fever Lab, which provide real-time monitoring of housing bubbles in over 23 countries worldwide.


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腾讯会议 ID:911 262 845