报告题目:Econometrics of games: Identification and estimation of static games of incomplete information with complementary or substitutable actions
时 间:2022年12月8日,12:30-14:00
地 点:厦门大学经济楼A318
摘 要:In this talk, I first briefly introduce the econometrics of games and then take my current research as an example. In this paper I study the semiparametric identification and estimation of a class of static games of incomplete information that allow for complementarity or substitutability among player’s own actions. Without assuming parametric distributions for the private information, I characterize simple identified sets for structural parameters under mean restrictions. I provide sufficient conditions for point identification. For point-identified models, I provide simple closed-form estimators for structural parameters that converge at root-n rate and are asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrates the efficacy of the closed-form estimators. As an empirical illustration, I quantify the extra effect on profit of running two types of stores for supermarket chains in strategic entry. Extensions of the baseline results are discussed.