报告题目:Identity-Based Political Connections and Public Employment: Evidence from India
主讲人:金松青博士,美国密西根州立大学农业、食品和资源经济系教授,浙江大学公共管理学院兼职教授,毕业于美国加州大学戴维斯分校农业与资源经济系。多次担任世界银行、美洲发展银行、国际食品政策研究所和联合国大学等国际机构的顾问,曾任美国农业与应用经济学会中国分会主席,是AJAE副主编和其他多个期刊的编委。长期致力于研究中国及其他发展中国家的农村发展问题。研究内容包括土地产权制度、农业技术创新和采用、农业生产力、农村非农、农村电商、农村合作社和农村教育等。在International Economic Review, European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics等国际知名的经济学和农业经济学期刊上发表论文近80篇。
时 间:2024年7月9日(周二),12:30-14:00
地 点:经济楼N406
简 介:We study the effects of identity-based political connections, measured by surnames representing caste (jati), on public employment in India. Using an instrumental variables approach that exploits caste-based reservations, we examine whether local leaders favor individuals from their own caste when allocating jobs. Our findings indicate that these political connections significantly increased participation in public employment, both on intensive and extensive margins. Specifically, we find that political connections increase employment in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) by approximately 20 percent, in terms of both extensive and intensive margin (e.g. number of days. Moreover, we find that connections with village council chairpersons have a stronger impact than connections with village council members. We find evidence that results are partially driven by favoritism by local leaders. Our research emphasizes the dynamics of identity-based political networks and their implications for the distribution of public sector opportunities in India.